Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Oversupply of breastmilk Print

A mother’s milk supply usually adjusts to her baby’s needs after about 6 weeks of breastfeeding. Some mothers continue to make more milk than the baby requires, and this is known as ‘oversupply’.
Oversupply may be the reason your baby is unsettled during and after feeds
Too much milk or oversupply may be the reason your baby is unsettled during and after feeds.

Oversupply can make breastfeeding difficult for both mother and baby.

How breastmilk oversupply affects your baby

Your baby may be unsettled during and after feeding, and it can be hard to know whether your baby is still hungry or is getting too much milk too fast. Your baby may:
  • choke and splutter at the breast due to the high rate of milk flow
  • have trouble latching onto the breast
  • show distress during feeding by refusing to feed, pulling away from the breast or crying
  • feed for only short periods of time leading to ‘lactose overload’
  • have a lot of urine (more than 10 wees a day) or diarrhoea with green, frothy poos and nappy rash
  • have excessive wind, causing unsettled, colicky behaviour
  • bring up a lot of milk after breastfeeding
  • put on weight quickly

How breastmilk oversupply affects you

Oversupply can also cause problems for you.
You might feel your breasts refill very quickly after feeding your baby. They might feel lumpy and tight after breastfeeding. You might also leak more than usual or have an explosive milk-ejection reflex, which makes it difficult to feed in public, and can cause difficulties for your baby at the beginning of feeding.
You could develop blocked milk ducts or mastitis and breast abscesses.
Oversupply can make breastfeeding a less pleasurable experience for you or your baby. Some mothers think about early weaning if oversupply is not diagnosed and managed well.

Diagnosing breastmilk oversupply

It is essential to have a health professional such as a lactation consultant, breastfeeding counsellor, doctor or child health nurse, watch your baby breastfeed to diagnose true oversupply. It can easily be confused with breast engorgement, or a fast ‘let-down’ reflex.
For help with the diagnosis and treatment of oversupply, contact a health professional, such as a lactation consultant, breastfeeding counsellor, or child health nurse, or call Pregnancy Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436.

Treatment of breastmilk oversupply

The aim of treatment is to reduce your milk production. This is best done while you are being supported by a lactation consultant, breastfeeding counsellor, or child health nurse.
‘Block feeding’ is a method that can help reduce milk supply in just a few days:
  • Choose a time frame, usually from 3 to 4 hours, and feed your baby from only one breast during that time.
  • Then change to the other breast for the same time period.
  • Continue this pattern for a few days.
  • You might need to hand express a small amount from the unused breast to relieve pressure or discomfort, but don’t empty it — the residual milk in the unused breast triggers the reduction in milk production.
Block feeding ensures that one breast always contains residual milk. This will trigger both breasts to reduce milk production, and should gradually resolve oversupply of milk. How long it takes depends on your situation.
Block feeding will also help to reduce the amount of thinner foremilk consumed by your baby. As your baby gets to drink more of the creamy hindmilk, you’ll see your baby’s stools get thicker. This tells you that you are on the way.
If your milk supply does not respond to block feeding, talk to your doctor.

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